Definition of Sea scooter

1. Noun. A motorboat resembling a motor scooter.

Exact synonyms: Scooter, Water Scooter
Generic synonyms: Motorboat, Powerboat
Derivative terms: Scoot

Definition of Sea scooter

1. Noun. An item of diving equipment used by scuba divers to increase their range while underwater. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sea Scooter

sea ravens
sea reed
sea robber
sea robin
sea rocket
sea room
sea rover
sea salmon
sea salt
sea salts
sea sandpiper
sea sandwort
sea saurian
sea sawdust
sea scallop
sea scooter
sea scooters
sea scorpion
sea scorpions
sea scout
sea scurf
sea scurfs
sea scurvy
sea serpent
sea serpents
sea shanties
sea shanty
sea silk
sea slater
sea slug

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